Watch WeatherTech’s Latest Pro-America Super Bowl Commercials 

The car mat maker upped its buy late in the game

WeatherTech will air two commercials during Super Bowl LV, upping its buy late in the game.

The car mat maker will now run two 30-second spots that continue the company’s “Made In America” messaging; it had initially purchased just one spot.

Once again, WeatherTech features its own employees in the commercials. In the first spot, these employees tell stories about why they are proud to work at WeatherTech.

The second commercial, “We Never Left,” focuses on how WeatherTech’s manufacturing has always been done in the U.S.

While WeatherTech introduced new COVID-related products amid the pandemic, including a line of face shields, those products are not featured in the company’s in-game ads, nor are the employees shown wearing this PPE.

“The spots in the campaign are about human beings, the real-life workers who are employed at WeatherTech.  Emotion is best expressed and interpreted through facial cues and expression and we felt it was important to allow these real employees to tell their stories and have the opportunity to communicate fully with the audience,” David MacNeil, founder and CEO of WeatherTech, said in an email. “Additionally, these spots will be timeless. We believe this message will be as relevant years down the road as they are today, so we did not want to put a time-stamp reminder on them.”

“As quickly as mask wearing became essential, not wearing masks will eventually also become the norm. We look forward to the time, we hope to be in the not-too-distant future, that we as a society will be able to get back to a normal we once knew,” MacNeil added.

Mike Magnusson, founder and CEO of Pinnacle Advertising, WeatherTech’s agency-of-record, did note precautions were taken, with each person involved in production, including the on-screen talent, needing to produce two negative COVID-19 test results prior to the production and every person on set needing to take a COVID-19 test every third day while on the production. N95 masks were also mandatory throughout the production.

Last year, WeatherTech scrapped its “Made in America” messaging for a commercial starring Scout, MacNeil’s dog who was receiving cancer treatment. The ad never plugged any of its products, but instead served as a thank you and an ask for viewers to donate to the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s School of Veterinary Medicine, where Scout was treated.
